• Question: A lot of you say you would use the money to train or educate people, is this very important in science?

    Asked by Matt11 to Anna, George, Jodi, Rob, Stefan on 19 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Anna Scaife

      Anna Scaife answered on 19 Nov 2014:

      Hi Matt – I think it’s not so much about training, but more about giving people an opportunity to experience doing science rather than just learning about it.

      Science lessons are really important but sometimes they can be a bit dry… getting in and actually doing something is much more fun 🙂

    • Photo: Stefan Lines

      Stefan Lines answered on 19 Nov 2014:

      I agree with Anna. If more people had the opportunity to experience doing Science, rather than learning it out of a book (which is also important of course), then it would probably inspire more people to take that path – or at least remain interested in Scientific topics that affect our everyday lives.
