• Question: Do you think we could ever attach computer to our houses and not have to do any work, so basically have a robotic house?

    Asked by Evie to Jodi, George on 13 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Jodi Schneider

      Jodi Schneider answered on 13 Nov 2014:

      Hi Evie,

      We’re getting closer to having robotic houses in some ways: we can turn the heat on/off over the internet, have automatic lighting, and maybe even fridges that keep track of what food is in them.

      I’d love a house that did all the housework. But when dishwashers and vacuum cleaners became popular, people thought their houses should be even cleaner… Maybe the answer is to lower our standards?

      I have some cool friends who make devices to automate stuff. For instance, they made an automated garden in Liverpool:

      What chore would YOU most like to get out of?

