• Question: Hey Anna! Its nice to finally meet you (well, sort of). I have a bunch of questions about Radio Astronomy, when you attempt to build a large radio telescope what do yuo hope too see // find? You say on your profile you will discover ten times more data than the whole world internet at the moment but what kind of infomation do you hope to find? Thanks for your time xx

    Asked by HappyGirl;) to Anna on 12 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Anna Scaife

      Anna Scaife answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      Hey HappyGirl;) – nice to kind of meet you too!

      Radio emission tells us about all the really high energy things that happen in the Universe – massive explosions, giant collisions, monstrous jets of gas… those things aren’t visible to optical telescopes.

      By building a bigger and better radio telescope we can see further into the Universe and we can see more detail in the things near-by. We’re also going to record the data super-fast (nano-seconds!) so we’ll also see all those mysterious things that only flash for a second then disappear…
