• Question: What will you do with the large radio telescope you are creating?

    Asked by 02olu26 to Anna on 18 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Anna Scaife

      Anna Scaife answered on 18 Nov 2014:

      I’ll use it to look at the interactions between clusters of galaxies. They can tell us lots about how structure in the Universe formed and also allow us to investigate very basic assumptions about physics because they are full of gas under conditions that we can’t reproduce on Earth. In particular I want to know about the magnetic fields in galaxy clusters and how they have changed over the history of the Universe.

      Other people want to use it to look for all kinds of things: to find the very first stars that ionised the gas in the Universe, or to use pulsars as cosmic clocks and detect gravitational waves, or to use fluctuations in the distribution of galaxies to understand how the Universe evolved… there are hundreds of scientists all around the world who have their own ideas for how to use the telescope 🙂
