• Question: why do you work with planets?

    Asked by plasmadragon101 to Stefan on 11 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Stefan Lines

      Stefan Lines answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      When I went to University to study Astrophysics, I didn’t have much direction until my final years when we did a project, which was my first taste at independent research. It turned out that most of the academics at Exeter University did research in Exoplanets. So, when I applied for a PhD, I was already interested and slightly knowledgeable in this area. Had I not been, I could have branched into Galaxies, Cosmology, Stars etc…

      I’m hugely biased but I find Exoplanets one of the more exciting areas because it is fast moving (new discoveries each week) and it also touches on the ‘Is there life?” question.
